Состоялся релиз Bitwig Studio 2.2.3! Список изменений: NEW Support for Joué controller. FIXED Potential engine crash on macOS when unplugging audio interface while being used. FIXED Engine crashing on macOS when using lots of samples (in Sampler or Clips). FIXED Engine crashes when toggling off MIDI clock for a MIDI output that is being sent to from a HW Instrument. FIXED Controller API: Names of clips in the clip launcher wasn't sent to the script (Affects Nektar P1/P4/P6). FIXED Loading a saved project does not restore the track record arm states anymore. FIXED Removing stop button for clip slot has no effect when launching scene while track is armed. FIXED Regression since 2.2: VST settings revert to default when changing Buffer Size in unsaved project. FIXED Engine crash when using CoreAudio aggregate device with 190 channels (2x RME and 1x Apollo). FIXED Bounced audio events are sometimes not audible after bouncing a clip multi-selection on macOS. FIXED App freezes with max cpu load after undoing "insert silence" in some projects. FIXED When doing a quantized jump in the arrangement to a point with automation data and the track was playing an audio crossfade at the time of the jump, automation playback would be played back wrong. FIXED Crash when creating search strings from characters entered via the touch screen keyboard on Windows (e.g smiley). FIXED Some clips created in v1 seem to crash v2. FIXED Note editor (in clip mode) opens in wrong position when clicking on a clip content overview in arranger. FIXED Classic LFO should not re-trigger on NOTE OFF event. FIXED Drag and drop using touch not working properly on Linux. IMPROVED Improved Audio Engine CPU-load when using many tracks. #Bitwig

Теги других блогов: обновление DAW Bitwig